Our goal in 2022 is to increase voter turnout among all U.S. citizens in Italy.

With your help, we will make the difference! We can help elect democrats who will fight for a better life for all Americans.

Democrats Abroad Italy’s mission is to reach U.S. citizens living in Italy and help them vote. We work hard to ensure that all Democratic votes from Italy are correctly submitted and counted.

Democrats Abroad’s global reach made the difference in 2020, in Georgia in 2021, and we will continue to fight for issues that our members care about!

Whether you choose to make a one-time donation or to become a sustaining donor, your contributions to DPCA allow us to reach our goals in Italy. We will purchase election advertising, organize voter outreach and education, provide voter registration assistance, and host social and political events for our members and the US community.

All donations made through this page will be held in the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) FDIC-insured bank account in the U.S. (as per FEC requirements) and will be earmarked for Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities used only by DA Italy. Your donations will now go directly to the Democratic Party Committee abroad (DPCA) in the US along with your donor information. This ensures that DA Italy will not collect private information or money respecting our status as a non-profit in Italy.

*DPCA - Democratic Party Committee abroad- (

Online credit card contributions made to the DPCA (Democrats Abroad) are secure encrypted transactions made via Stripe.

If you wish to make a one-time donation using PayPal, then please go here.

If you wish to make a monthly recurring donation using PayPal, then please go here.

In both instances, you will be redirected to our ActBlue donation page.

If you are unable to contribute online, send us a US Dollar check with this form to the following address (Don’t forget to write DA Italy on the memo line!).

Democrats Abroad
PO Box 15130
Washington DC 20003


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Thank you for your support!

DA Italy is a 100% volunteer-run organization.

If you have questions or would like to volunteer at Democrats Abroad Italy please contact us:

Nancy Fina, Chair: [email protected]

Helenka Kinnan, Secretary: [email protected]

Your personal data, which we are obliged to submit to the US Federal Election Commission in the United States ("FEC") may be published online by the FEC as public record information and will be accessible globally. By concluding this transaction, you consent to the transmission and publication of this data by the FEC as described herein.