Stuff to Share

John Lewis gets out the vote

John Lewis honored Democrats Abroad by creating this wonderful video for us during the 2014 midterms. Open the article to see the video in full.

IAAA Posters

Over the last few months, many hard working Democrats Abroad have been developing the DA Platform. You can find more information about that here (Democrats Abroad 2016 Platform).

We have also created some new posters to help highlight and spread the word about Issues Affecting Americans Abroad - share this post or click on the images to download a printable color or black and white poster.


Party Platform Comparisons



We're proud to have a part in passing the most progressive party platform ever in the history of the party!

Why is the Platform important?

This document is comprised of the ideas, goals, and beliefs, and serves as the declaration of how we plan to move our country forward.

"Democrats believe that cooperation is better than conflict, unity is better than division, empowerment is better than resentment, and bridges are better than walls.

It’s a simple but powerful idea: We are stronger together."

Some of our amazing members have gone through both the Democratic Platform and the Republican Platform, and summarized them into the top ten issues comparison. Whose values reflect the issues you care about?


Click on the image above to view/download the full Party Platform Comparison JPG (or click this link to download the PDF). 

Senator Ann Murray needs your vote from abroad in Washington

Senator Murray, Washington's first female Senator needs our help to keep her seat Democratic.

Al Franken wants YOU to vote from abroad

Tim Kaine wants you to Vote From Abroad


Cory Booker wants YOU to vote from abroad.

Just How Many Americans Abroad Are There?

Did you know? There are 8.7 million Americans Abroad - making us the twelfth biggest U.S. state by population. 



Do you and your children have the right to vote in your State?

Click on the images below to download the larger versions of the images. 


Ann Kirkpatrick needs your vote from abroad in Arizona

Hi Arizona voters: Ann Kirkpatrick knows how important your vote is from overseas and she recorded these two videos just for Democrats Abroad. 

30 Second Shareable:

Full Length: