Tips for Writing Congress

1. Snail mail is more effective than email.
Handwritten letters make an impact on an office. They will be opened and read. They'll often be answered.

2. Focus your message.
Address only one or two issues, and do so at the beginning of your letter.

3. Make your request early.
Say what you would like your senator or representative to do early in your letter. Be specific about your request (for example, if you are discussing a bill, include the bill's name).

4. Support your position.
Keep your letter factual, use data, and be honest and accurate.

5. Make it personal.
Introduce yourself, explain who you are, your activism, why the issue you are writing about matters to you.

6. But stay calm.
Letters that are friendly and courteous get read. Do not use threatening language or curse words.

7. Keep your letter short.
Don’t write more than one page, if that.

8. End your letter with a repeat and a thanks.
When you finish your letter, restate your request and thank the person reading your letter for their time and their work.

9. Then proofread.  

10. Include a return address on the letter and on the envelope.

11. Find your senators' addressess here.  And your representative's address here