Tips for Calling Congress

  1. Your calls matter. Senators are listening and responding to the calls that they are receiving.

  2. Keep your call short. There are so many calls happening right now, stories are not getting recorded, but totals and positions are.

  3. Keep your call civil. Your message will be received and listened to. Rudeness or bad language will mean your call is discounted. 
  4. Do not call the same number the same day. Congressional offices have caller id and the staff find spam calling annoying. They also don’t record your second call, which means that other calls that could be recorded don’t get through.  

  5. Call your own senators first. You are their constituent, and their potential voter. They will listen.

  6. If you can’t get through to your senator’s office in DC, call your senator’s local office(s). Just google “Senator X X contact” to find their website.

  7. For callers from abroad, be prepared to share your voting address in the US. If you’re not registered to vote already, your voting address is going to be the last place you lived in the US. Any questions on how to find that address? Send us an email at [email protected].

  8. Pace yourself – we are in for a long fight. 


Who to call

Democrats Abroad runs actions throughout the work week, but there are lots of other groups running actions too. Find a group you like, bookmark the site, and then start calling!